“Aircraft with Low TBOs: What are the Options?” from AvBuyer

Tony Rossi, Director of Business Development, JSSI Advisory Services, recently sat down with AvBuyer to discuss options for aircraft with low TBOs.

Can I join a maintenance program at any time of the aircraft’s life cycle? Even right before an overhaul?

“Its it’s generally a good idea to join an hourly maintenance program at any time during the aircraft lifecycle, even right before an overhaul, as it provides a partner in managing that event and future maintenance.”

How do pro-rata engine programs work?

JSSI offers a pro-rata program as an option to the buy-in, meaning clients can enroll without the upfront buy-in cost, and instead event costs are shared between JSSI and the client depending on total time and cycles of the aircraft.”

If I’m not currently enrolled on a program, how can I drive cost savings and efficiency through my overhaul?

“There are plenty of options to optimize event outcomes and drive efficiency, even if an owner decides not to enroll in a program. JSSI’s Maintenance Event Management (MEM) product allows clients to essentially ‘test drive’ the experience of being on a JSSI maintenance program for one specific event. Through MEM, you can leverage similar global buying power, parts inventory, rental engines and technical oversight as if you were enrolled, but on an event-by-event basis.”

Read the full article here 


Interested in “test driving” a JSSI Maintenance Program? Contact the team to learn more about our Maintenance Event Management offerings.