Case Study

H5 Helicopters

Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, H5 Helicopters is a premier full-service helicopter company specialized in custom helicopter tours, charters, commercial filming and external load operations. H5 Helicopters is minutes by air from some the world’s most exotic and scenic natural wonders, including the territory from the Grand Canyon to Monument Valley.

H5 Helicopters owns and operates “SaberCat1”, an Airbus AS350 B2 customized to accommodate an aerial cinematographer. The AS350 B2 is a single-engine helicopter renowned for its low vibration levels, making it an ideal platform for video equipment.

Originally from Florida, Nelson Rood has been H5 Helicopters’ Director of Operations since April 2010. His main responsibilities include scheduling, flight planning and maintenance of SaberCat1. Earlier in his career, Nelson was in professional baseball. He was drafted by the Houston Astros, later joined the San Francisco Giants’ coaching team and went on to scout for the Tampa Bay Rays.

“About 70% of our business comes from the helicopter tours we do around Sedona, the Grand Canyon and other spectacular sites. The balance is shooting video and aerial mapping for entertainment and corporate clients. We’re accustomed to serving VIPs, celebrities and defense contractors, so discretion is essential to everything we do,” explains Nelson.

“I think all helicopter operators should use Traxxall. We’re a small team dedicated to the highest levels of service, safety and professionalism. To do that, we need to be efficient. For example, last year, we flew 250 hours. Most recently, we acquired a longline license, which allows us to transport cargo. This opens up new opportunities but also requires more management. The best way for us to fly more hours is to streamline our operations and boost our efficiency. Traxxall helps us accomplish this objective by enhancing our internal communications and enabling us to accurately forecast maintenance milestones, related expenses and downtimes. I would definitely recommend it to any operator – small, medium or large.”

The Challenge

“We integrated Traxxall in late 2018. Prior to that, we were using a basic Excel spreadsheet program to track our maintenance. It was limiting because it placed an added burden on our mechanic, and it would have been impossible to scale to include management of additional helicopters. Traxxall paid us a visit. We were impressed and when we learned about their partnership with Airbus Helicopters, the decision was pretty easy to make!”

The Benefits of Traxxall

“The biggest benefit of Traxxall is the cohesion that it creates between the office and the hangar. For example, flight planning and maintenance log books are now perfectly harmonized. Previously, that was a challenge. Now, everyone has instant visibility onto a wealth of data. We can make accurate budget projections and our internal communications are much better. As owner/operators of a single aircraft, our success is directly linked to the optimal use of our helicopter. Thanks to Traxxall, we can derive more value from SaberCat1.”