Employee Benefits and Privileges | Philippines

Government Benefits

The Social Security Program provides a package of benefits in the event of death, disability, sickness, maternity, old age, and unemployment. Basically, the Social Security System (SSS) provides for a replacement of income lost on account of the aforementioned contingencies.
A mutual provident savings system for private and government employees and other earning groups, supported by matching mandatory contributions of their respective employers with housing as the primary investment. This covers all employees regardless of status. The Pag-IBIG Fund offers its members a Savings or Provident Savings program, Short-Term Loan programs and Housing programs.
All JSSI/Traxxall employees, whether permanent, temporary, or provisional are covered with the following unified benefit package that covers Inpatient Hospitalization and Outpatient care.

Grants Maternity Leave to all covered female employees regardless of civil status, employment status, and the legitimacy of her child.  The maternity leave benefit shall be for one hundred five (105) days with full pay, and additional fifteen (15) days with full pay in case the female employee qualifies as a solo parent. In case of miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy, the maternity leave shall be for sixty (60) days with full pay.

Grants seven (7) days of Paternity Leave with pay to all married male employees, regardless of their employment status (e.g., probationary, regular, contractual, project basis) and subject to guidelines and conditions. The purpose of this benefit is to allow the husband to lend support to his wife during her period of recovery and/or in nursing her newborn child.
The parental leave, in addition to leave privileges under existing laws, shall be for seven (7) working days every year, with full pay. Availing this leave is subject to conditions for eligibility.
The female employee is entitled to special leave benefit of two (2) months with full pay based on her gross monthly compensation. The special leave shall be granted to the qualified employee after she has undergone surgery without prejudice to an employer allowing an employee to receive her pay before or during the surgery. The special leave is non-cumulative and non-convertible to cash.
The employee is entitled to ten (10) days of leave with pay to any woman employee who has been a victim as defined in R.A. 9262.

JSSI/Traxxall employees shall be retired upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years or more but not beyond sixty-five (65) years old and have served the establishment for at least five (5) years.  The minimum retirement pay shall be equivalent to one-half (1/2) month salary for every year of service.

JSSI Benefits

JSSI provides healthcare benefits to all regular employees. The benefits shall be provided for and managed by a duly accredited HMO organization subject to existing guidelines, policies, and procedures according to the contract of coverage. We also provide HMO coverage up to three (3) eligible dependents of regular employees subject to HMO’s existing guidelines.
A regular employee shall be entitled to use earned PTO credits upon regularization. The number of leave credits earned shall be counted from the date of hiring until December 31 of the current year. The maximum PTO credit earned is ten (10) days or eighty (80) hours.

The Company shall grant a maximum of five (5) days of Bereavement Leave with pay to a regular employee in case of death of his/her spouse, child, sibling, parent, or grandparent.  Upon filing the leave, the employee is required to submit a photocopy of the death certificate to the Human Resources department for validation purposes.

A regular employee shall be entitled to Sick Leave upon hiring. The number of leave credits earned shall be counted from the date of hiring until December 31 of the current year. The maximum Sick Leave credit earned is five (5) days or forty (40) hours. Unused SL credits shall be converted to cash and paid out to employees on the first month of the following year.

JSSI’s Hourly Cost Maintenance (HCM) Programs bring peace of mind to owners and operators of virtually any business aircraft. Our programs are designed to stabilize your maintenance budget, maximize availability, and enhance the residual value of your aircraft – offering flexible coverage options:

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