Celebrating Aviation Maintenance Technician Day @ JSSI

JSSI has a global team of over 100 extraordinary Technical Advisors and Product Line Specialists positioned worldwide – who serve as the technical point of contact for our clients on any maintenance issue. With presence in over 80 countries, JSSI’s technical team manages over 10,000 scheduled and unscheduled aircraft maintenance events every year – making sure there are boots on the ground and a local point of contact anywhere our clients fly. 

In honor of this special day, we are turning the spotlight on a few of our own maintenance experts, who come from a variety of backgrounds, and all found their love for aviation in different places. We are privileged to have a technical team that not only brings unique knowledge and leadership to every project and event, but who also bring joy and passion to the role of serving both aircraft and clients. Their deep experience and track record is impressive: from military training and OEM backgrounds; to extensive certifications and accreditations; and decades of first-hand experience with each asset supported by JSSI. 

We asked a few of our colleagues about their pathways into our industry and what they love most about their job. On behalf of JSSI and all our clients, thank you for all you do every day to keep the global business jet fleet flying! 

Cole Reed

Product Line Specialist, Honeywell - Global

Years with JSSI: 5

“I have always loved airplanes and been fascinated by flight - from flying RC planes as a kid to managing aircraft assets still today. The fast pace of our industry and the thrill of making something fly hundreds of miles an hour and thousands of feet up has always excited me. I attended A&P school and followed the advice of a mentor, finding myself in business aviation.

I’ve always had a passion for helping clients out of tough situations and working hard to meet maintenance goals on time and budget. Today’s post-COVID supply chain reality has made this a more difficult feat than ever before, and I see it as an opportunity to add value for our clients. My role with JSSI has allowed me to use my technical background and network to work with my colleagues to source parts that no other vendors could locate – finding and collaborating on solutions that make sense to both our clients, MROs and OEMs. We work hard to get our client’s back in the air, showing what a resourceful and useful product JSSI’s HCM programs can be to clients everywhere.”


Engine Technical Advisor - United States

Years with JSSI: 9

“What started as a military career working on helicopter engines has grown into so much more. After my time in the service, I had the opportunity to work at an MRO in the Midwest to help broaden my range of skills before starting a part-time job as a teacher for a high school career program that provided powerplant training. I transitioned into full time teaching, leading the aviation maintenance program as Program Chair at a local community college, before starting with JSSI almost 10 years ago.

Anytime I get to work with a client to troubleshoot a program to achieve the best solution – that’s the most fulfilling aspect of this job. Knowing I have team members who are always willing to share their knowledge is truly powerful. That’s where JSSI shines: the value of the tech department, how we collaborate to find solutions, the agility of the team, and the work we do for our clients. I specifically love working in the southern US region and the overall conviviality – clients always make me feel welcome when I visit or call.”

William Khouri

Airframe Technical Advisor - Middle East

Years with JSSI: 12

“My inspiration to join this industry came from The Pursuit of Happiness, which contained an element of aviation, and it really ticked a box for me. I joined the industry 26 years ago and knew from day one that I was the right person at the right time, and in the right place. The journey brought me into different countries and career divisions within aviation, from electrical outfitter to maintenance sales – and now here I am, continuing to pursue my passion.

“The most exciting part of my job is the tangible effect it has on people around the world. My job literally results in people getting from A to B on the safest mode of transportation. That coupled with a high exposure to clients from different backgrounds which is a cultural experience I admire. Being a part of the JSSI family and having the opportunity to grow and evolve in my role alongside this organization has been such a special experience, and every day has been a notable memory.”

Jonathan Sawyer

Engine Technical Advisor - Africa

Years with JSSI: 16

 “Aviation has been a part of my identity for the last 40 years. At the end of my military service in the South African Airforce, I took a short hiatus from aviation, working for several clothing retailers. I realized how much I missed the smell of Jet-A fuel in the mornings and was fortunate enough to find my way back into the industry. Combining retail training with aviation technical knowledge helped me leapfrog to senior management within aviation companies. By specializing in contract management, aircraft maintenance, and quality assurance, I have gained incredible value skills that greatly benefit my role with JSSI.

Face-to-face meetings and a firm handshake go a long way in this industry, and I am grateful for the skills I’ve learned along the way that allow me to be successful for both JSSI and my clients. This job can bring you experiences never imagined – like police escorts in Nigeria on the way to a PIDS inspection... – and it has truly kept me on my toes. Anything can happen.”

Lance Mitchell

Helicopter Technical Advisor - United States

Years with JSSI: 6

“After spending 10 years working on fixed wing military aircraft for the U.S. Air Force, I obtained my A&P License before returning home to work on helicopters – an interest of mine since childhood. After completing my Bachelor’s degree in aviation maintenance management, and a Master’s in business administration, I pursued aviation once again, and worked in several different fields – from serving as a mechanic to supporting aviation safety – before accepting my current position as a helicopter technical advisor with JSSI.

Whether we are working through contract interpretations or helping customers through environmental operating conditions, I continue to be impressed with the team and mentality at JSSI to always to go the extra mile to assist our clients in dealing with whatever issues they are facing. I am proud to work for a company that does its best to listen to its clients and keep them flying at the greatest potential.”

Zane Cox

Product Line Specialist, Rolls Royce - Global

Years with JSSI: 13

“I grew up adjacent to Luke Air Force Base in Arizona watching the fighter jets take off and land every day. I was fascinated by them and knew I wanted to be a part of the team that made them fly. Joining a military program at McDonnell Douglas in California, I had the opportunity to work on First Article aircraft production before beginning to perform in-service testing, flight reliability, and embodiment of improved mod standards. After serving I began work on the commercial side of aviation and held several roles before making the switch to business aviation where I deepened my focus on Rolls-Royce engines; I managed everything from production campaigns to engine maintenance/modifications, and the lease engine portfolio, and finally joined the JSSI team in 2011.

I enjoy every day with JSSI as I have the freedom to think and work outside the box resolving technical, commercial, and logistical issues that face our flying customer base.”

Nick Sekula

Airframe Technical Advisor - United States, Caribbean, and Latin America

Years with JSSI: 2

“Growing up near Hanscom Field, I was able to witness the business aviation growth of the 2000s and knew that was the career I wanted to pursue. I enrolled in A&P school and never looked back. I have had the opportunity to spend the last 20+ years in business aviation maintenance and joined the JSSI team a few years ago as an airframe technical advisor.

Since joining JSSI, I have enjoyed working with such a wide variety of clients, shops, and OEMs that I otherwise would not be able to interact with. My region specifically is interesting as we face a lot of ‘maintenance seasonality’ in the Southeast. This requires working closely with my customers to ensure MRO slots well in advance and proactively plan for maintenance.”

Rogerio Muller

Technical Advisor - South America

Years with JSSI: 11

“Starting my career at a repair center in Brazil, I had the opportunity to work on many different engines supporting both commercial and business aviation, primarily focused on the CF6, CFM56, PT6 and JT15 families. During my time there, I supported several different departments including production control and planning, international sales, and supply chain. The skills I acquired in these roles has helped me better understand the region I serve and standard of care my clients deserve.

The collaborative work within the JSSI family is unmatched. We are never alone in the support of our clients. Whether it’s between internal product lines and departments or external contacts, my colleagues are always available when needed to help a customer.”

Mark Tremlett

Engine Technical Advisor - South Pacific

Years with JSSI: 7

"Over the course of my career, business aviation has provided me with so many opportunities to grow my industry skillset. The natural progression from smaller aircraft to larger cabin, to learning about regional maintenance considerations in APAC specifically… my time with JSSI and serving my region has led to a great understanding of how to best support our clients in more remote locations. I have gained deep experience working with a wide range of engine types, from the TFE family of engines to BR, CF34, PT6, and the Pratt & Whitney 300 series.

Being a part of growing JSSI’s presence in Asia-Pacific has been a remarkable experience overall. From having a front-row seat to see clients’ perspectives change as they learned about our products, to building the team serving the area today - it has been the utmost memorable experience with this team.”

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JSSI is the leading independent provider of aircraft maintenance support and financial services to the business aviation industry.

Contact I JSSI Communications

Isabella Rimton - [email protected]